


Rose : Symbols and Their Meanings In Various Cultures and Religions

The symbolism of roses doesn't just describe love and sincerity. In a strong sense, roses signify something greater than one's love for man or the worldly. Among Sufis and other religious priests signifying a great interaction between man and his God, all of this is written in the earlier texts and poems of the Sufis that were popular in the middle ages.

God created thousands of flowers, but roses remain a favorite throughout human history and have assumed too colorful meanings among different cultures. Why do roses come out eternally in the heart, perhaps because humans can keep memories of roses found in the soul. It may include unforgettable poems, as well as stories of love and virtue attached to roses. 

Rose Symbols In Culture And Religion
The symbol of the rose began to be known since the 5000th. ago, according to some opinions already known in China comes from the fossil record which says roses have evolved over millions of years. Throughout the world, roses are growing and becoming specific symbols including love, beauty, luxury, death, more and more war and politics, some of which make use of roses representing popular figures in history.

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As it entered the Roman Empire, roses flourished in the Middle East. The fragrance of roses makes it the main ingredient of perfume making, a strong aroma admittedly has a deep mystical meaning. But roses growing in China do not smell like that, and this is perhaps the one reason why rose symbols are not so popular in China.
Since time immemorial the rose symbol has been used in literary writing, for example in iliad literature, an ancient Greek epic poem that says its body is smeared with rose oil. Roses are often mentioned in ancient Greek myths in different forms. For example, white symbolizes the purity that symbolizes the Aphrodit and a symbol of chastity, demand and stimulus aimed at Adonis, when wounded love is represented by a few drops of blood affecting the white rose into a red rose. Another myth says that Zeus spread roses on the ground as a wedding gift to Eros and Psyche.

The Myth of the Romans is often represented along with the symbol of the rose, they use the roses in the cemetery as a gesture of resurrection. For example Flora as the goddess of flowers and spring, some opinions say that she created roses and other Greek gods in favor of Flora giving extra life, sweet aromas and beautiful forms.

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