
illustration graphic design art

illustration graphic design art
illustration graphic design art

illustration graphic design art
Illustration Is – Understanding, Techniques, Elements, Examples And Drawings The initial understanding of illustration comes from the Latin "Illustrare" which means to explain or explain. The definition of illustration is an image that brings benefits and bearing to explain an event. Dutch refers to illustration as "Ilustratie" which means as an ornament with an image or the making of a clear concern.

Illustration Is
Illustrations including can be said to come from the word illusion. The definition of illustration can give additional meaning of illusion as a description of a wishful thinking that resembles a mere decoration. This is an introduction or complement to an object that can help someone so that it is faster and easier to know an object presented by the illustration.

Illustrated drawings are a 2-dimensional work of art that brings the object of interest to clarify an understanding. The definition of illustration is that visualization comes from a post that uses drawing techniques, painting, photography, or with the same other techniques that have to do with the subject and the post in question.

Definition of Illustration
The sense of illustration is that the visual form comes from words or text. Illustrations have objects to clarify text or words especially for children who can not read. By depicting the scene of a story, then the image after that can generally explain the carrying or the whole story. The existence of illustrations is useful to attract readers who are interested in reading. For more details, then the definition of illustration according to experts.           
