
illustration words for lock down

illustration words for lock down

illustration words for lock down
illustration words for lock down

So Popular Word, What Is Lockdown?

Some countries, such as Italy, the Philippines and Saudi Arabia, have implemented lockdown policies. It is implemented to reduce the spread of coronavirus or Covid-19 cases in their countries.

The coronavirus became appearing in December 2019 in China and became spread throughout the world. The Chinese government has previously carried out lockdowns in wuhan city or where the virus first appeared.

Based on the English dictionary, lockdown means lockdown. That is, countries infected with coronavirus lock access and appear to avoid the spread of the coronavirus more widely.

The lockdown was followed by a ban on holding meetings involving large crowds, school closures, and public places. Thus, the risk of corona virus transmission to communities outside the lockdown area can be reduced.


 vector illustration of lock down virus on a blue background

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