Mar 25, 2021

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logo for graphic design company
logo for graphic design company

Tigers (scientific name: Panthera tigris; referred to as tigers, although more commonly used for animals derived from the species Panthera pardus and its subspecies) are animals belonging to the phylum Chordata, subphylum vertebrates, mammal class, carnivores, felidae (cats), genus panthera, and belong to the tigris species.

Tigers are the largest cat style to come from its species, even larger than lions. The calculated tiger is the second fastest cat in the running, after citah. In total carnivores, tigers are the largest carnivorous cats and the third largest carnivores after polar bears and brown bears.

Tigers mostly hunt rather large prey such as sambar deer, antelopes, pigs, or cannibals. However, tigers can hunt small animals like hedgehogs like rather large prey that does not exist. Although they come from the same family, tigers are not the same as small ordinary cats, tigers are very satisfied swimming, and basically cats are worried about water. 

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